1.Data Volume: There is often a huge amount of data that needs to be processed regularly for a data warehouse environment.
2.You can have the best product, but need not to pay the huge amount of sales expenses, which do not add any value to your actual product.
3.Storage of huge amount of dangerous gaseous and liquid materials is usually involved in industrial production and transportation processes.
4.Nobody knows what causes it and a "cure" seems to be unrealistic, although a huge amount of money is ploughed into researching just that.
5.So it's good fit for me with the chairman, and with the company. From my perspective, I did a huge amount of due diligence.
6.Researcher Emily Stag said: 'Twenty pounds a week might not seem a lot, but can add up to a huge amount over a lifetime.
7.This recession caused a huge amount of damage, and we're going to be living with that damage for a while to come.
8.A recent case concerns Jim, who smashed the ATM with iron bars and got the huge amount of money out of it.
9.It looks at the huge amount of Chinese national savings and concludes that much of it does not seem to be captured by the banks.
10.We have found th at your em ail account has been used to send a huge amount of junk em ail during the recent week.